
Contact Details

Stronsay Surgery
KW17 2AE

Tel: 01857 616321 




Stronsay is part of our Isles Network of Care (INOC) which includes 10 islands.

The Island

Stronsay is the seventh largest of the Orkney Islands, it has a population of approximately 349 (patient number 327). Transport links to the island are by ferry or air. The boat takes 1hr 30 mins from Kirkwall or 15 minutes by plane. They have twice daily ferry and air services.

The main settlement in Stronsay is the village of Whitehall. Stronsay has its own local shops, a hotel, Healthy Living Centre, bank, post office, a community centre, a Junior High School (with swimming pool) and other amenities.

Repeat Prescriptions

You can order your repeat prescription online here 

Please note, to use the online ordering service you will be required to complete the Patient Services Registration Form. 

Requests for repeat prescriptions can also be made by dropping off your repeat slip to the surgery or telephoning the prescription order line on 01857 616321.

Repeat prescriptions can be collected during the times the receptionist is on duty.

You will be requested to see the doctor for review of repeat medication at regular intervals.

Please allow 8 - 10 days for all prescriptions to be made up and returned ready for collection. When requesting your repeat prescription please let us know whether you wish it to be ordered from Sutherlands or Boots.


New Patient Registration Form

If you are new to the island and wish to register with our GP practice, please complete this form and return to our Receptionists.

Asthma Review Form

Asthma Review Form

Staff Members


Dr. Johnathan Cobb


Dr. Vivienne Kirchin


Dr. Wassim Malas


Gina Tait

Practice Manager - INOC Operational Manager

Katrina Kent

Practice Administrator

Teresa Bird

Relief Practice Adminstrator

Opening Hours


0900 - 1200

1330 - 1630


0900 - 1200

1330 - 1630


0900 - 1200

1330 - 1630


0900 - 1200

1330 - 1630


0900 - 1200

1330 - 1630