Hoy & Walls
Contact Details
Hoy and Walls Health Centre
KW16 3PA
Tel: 01856 701209 / 701309

The Hoy and Walls Health Centre is situated in Longhope and is part of the Orcades Practice.
Normally emergency evacuation is by ferry and very infrequently by helicopter. GP’s are on 24/7 with support from the nurse Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm. There is a separate volunteer team of ambulance crew working alongside the medical team but managed by SAS
We are a small team (but perfectly formed): three GPs working in rotation, one nurse, two receptionist/ administrators. We are supported by some visitors from the mainland, such as a health visitor. About a third of the time we have a medical student from Dundee University or elsewhere.
We see patients by appointment:
- at the Health Centre in Longhope Monday to Friday
- in patients homes if needed.
- The GPs visit patients routinely at home alternate Fridays at the Hoy end
We prefer to see patients at the surgery if possible as we have more resources there.
To make an appointment to see the doctor or nurse please phone reception on 01856 701209.
If the surgery is closed and you need the doctor in an emergency, please phone the Balfour Hospital switchboard on 01856 888000 and ask the operator to bleep the Hoy GP.
The nurse works during the day Mon-Fri. There is no nursing service in the evenings, overnight or at weekends.
Home Visits
If you need a home visit because you are unable to travel to the surgery please phone reception on 01856 701209 - a visit from doctor or nurse, whichever is more appropriate, will be arranged.
Telephone and Video Appointments
Both doctor and nurse are happy to discuss things on the telphone or by video. Please phone reception and one of them will call back, usually towards the end of the morning.
Repeat Prescriptions
You can order your repeat prescription online here
Please note, to use the online ordering service you will be required to complete the Patient Services Registration Form.
Requests for repeat prescriptions can also be made by dropping off your repeat slip to the surgery or telephoning the surgery.
Repeat prescriptions can be collected during the times the receptionist is on duty.
You will be requested to see the doctor for review of repeat medication at regular intervals.

Patient Services Registration Form
If you wish to request your repeat prescription online, please complete this form and return to your practice. They will then create login details for you.
Staff Members
Dr. Iain Cromarty

Dr. Marion McDowelll

Dr. Kevin Finn
Rebecca Payne
Rosalind Ware
Community Nurse

Debs Jaques
Practice Administrator
Gina Tait
Practice Manager - INOC Operational Manager